Simone Körner
Simone Körner was born in West Germany, 1992. She is a tailor, mediator and artist. Her
studies at AdBK Nuremberg were mainly supervised by Kerstin Brätsch, Heike Baranowsky
and Kerstin Stakemeier, for whom she worked as a student assistance and co-teacher.
Currently she is pursuing her MFA at the School of the Art Institute Chicago.
S.Koerner is a research based artist who works back and forth between sculpture, live art
forms, fashion, photography and writing, as these forms are inextricably linked to the
production of aesthetic self-images and their realization (as imaginative forces) in our lives
and sense(s). As an artist, she deals with clothing, objects and images as a point of reference
for (the white and patriarchal violence of) embodiment. Hereditary forms of Christian gender
(binarity) as a question of embodiment are out of place within her own life and materialize in
a symbolic sadness, dryness and hollowness – actualizing these forms as past are an
important part of her work. On the other hand, she is practicing other forms of relating with
and to bodies and life in her broad spectrum of creation, in her folklorism.