Nadine Rennert Portrait

Nadine Rennert


Nadine Rennert, born in 1965 in Germany, is an artist who works in the fields of sculpture, installation, drawing, photography and video art.

Rennert has participated in exhibitions at home and abroad since 1990, including in Berlin, Seoul, Erfurt, Copenhagen and Riga. She has received grants such as the Goyang Art Residency in Korea, Kunstfonds, Senatskanzlei Berlin and Cité International Paris.
Her artistic approach is characterized by the exploration of the hidden connections between us and a nature that we do not know how we are part of.  Rennert lives and works in Berlin.

"In a certain sense, "Innere Unverborgenheit" anticipates in a model-like way what Rennert will be experiencing on her own body a year later with "Bellesouspont": a snuggling up to the earth, a close embedding in the material, an empathy in an open state of genesis or transformation, in which something grows or changes. A state between protection and abandonment, between the stage of a pupated cocoon and the full development of a life potential, between mere possibility and actual realization. This state has a lot to do with Rennert's way of working. It corresponds to the floating, blurred not-yet-in-the-world state from which Rennert begins her aesthetic concretizations. It is the plasma that stands at the beginning, whose indifferent pulsation initiates the creative process and about which the artist explains: "A feeling or image comes to my mind, perhaps in the time between sleeping and waking up. I draw it back into myself, as if I want to meditate on it, and try to observe what it does to me. If it touches me enough, if it is real, then I start to draw it." From these initial sketches, Rennert arrives at her sculptural formulations, in which she sometimes specifically addresses the processual - see, for example, "Blendung" (2007), "Flucht auf der Stelle" (2007), "The Making of Selbdritt" (2008) or "Selbdritt" (2008), all works in which movement and thus time sequences are reproduced."

Text quote from Michael Hübl: KUENSTLER - Critical Lexicon of Contemporary Art, 2014