Enkhzaya Erdenebileg

Enkhzaya Erdenebileg | Эрдэнэбилэгийн Энхзаяа


"Just as time doesn't repeat itself, humans don't repeat themselves. Every strand of their hair and every pattern of their skin is unique and perfect in its way."

Enkhzaya Erdenebileg, born in Mongolia in 1988, is an artist who combines performance with visual art. She explores the relationships between humans, nature and animals. A theme that is deeply interwoven with Mongolian ethics and spirituality. She actualizes these themes on her own body, as a place through which these natural energies flow.  In doing so, she often addresses her own self-image as a woman in the context of socially ascribed roles. Subtle differences to the works of Western female artists arise from the cultural background, which is fed by Tengrian, shamanistic sources and the different requirements for the coexistence of the sexes in nomadic societies.

Her own body almost exclusively serves her as an artistic medium, as in the performance "body map", in which she prints her color-soaked body on various surfaces and creates unique patterns and shapes.

Enkhzaya studied at the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture in Ulaanbaatar and at the Institute of Fine Arts. She has exhibited in galleries such as the Red Ger Art Gallery and the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts in Ulaanbaatar, as well as in international art programs and festivals in Belgium, Germany, Korea, Nepal and Hong Kong. She is also the Art Director of Blue Sun CACM Center and has organized exhibitions and art exchange programs.